The major invention in the Second Industrial Revolution was the steam engine. Today, the application of heat from steam is still widely used around the world, demonstrating its importance.
In order to understand and design efficient steam systems, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the steam, the steam system and the quantities involved, which affect the quality of steam used.
Main content:
Provides the most basic and fundamental knowledge about saturated steam systems in the industry. What is slightly saturated answer? Why use saturated steam without using other heating fluids
Process of creating steam and recovering condensate; relationship between the physical pressure, temperature, volume, elthapy quantity in saturated vapor; basic heat calculation.
Steam flash, slightly flash calculation method; vacuum phenomena, hydrostatic phenomena and preventive measures. Exactly understand the steam and the application of saturated steam, why should use saturated steam for heating and not other fluids so what are the outstanding advantages of saturated steam?
The course is suitable
Design Engineer
Operating Engineers
Engineering students (mechanical, thermal, ..)
Study mode: Online
Students are given an online learning account after successfully registering the course.
The study account includes video lecture series, reference materials and related exercises.
Attached with registration instructions to join Fan Group, Club, Forum Recruitment of M&E engineer for steam systems of engineers at DigiNexus Academy to assist in answering questions, sharing specialized documents and experiences. experience from practice.
Learn online: Be proactive in terms of time and own a lifetime account.
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